The Ultimate Guide For Beginners and PROS

Learn programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as frameworks and libraries like jQuery, AngularJS, and React.


Web development is the process of building, creating, and maintaining websites. It encompasses a wide range of activities, such as:

  1. Designing the layout and user interface of a website
  2. Developing and implementing the functionality of a website, such as forms, shopping carts, and login systems
  3. Creating and maintaining the content of a website, including text, images, and videos
  4. Ensuring that a website is optimized for search engines and is accessible to users with disabilities
  5. Testing and debugging a website to ensure that it is free of errors and functions properly on different devices and web browsers

Web development involves the use of programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as frameworks and libraries like jQuery, AngularJS, and React. It also involves the use of tools like text editors, version control systems, and content management systems (CMS).

Web development offers you the opportunity to work for startups, agencies and large coperate bodies.

  1. We will familiarize you with the basics of HTML and CSS: HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is used to structure content on the web, while CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to style that content.
  2. You will be taught the basic syntax and structure of these languages and how to use them to create simple web pages.
  3. Our instructors will teach you about web design principles: Understanding design principles such as layout, color theory, and typography will help you create visually appealing and effective websites.

4. You will explore design tools: There are many tools available for creating and modifying web designs.

  1. People who want to build beautiful and responsive websites.
  2. People who want to create sites for other businesses

3. People who own a business but cant afford to outsource development of their sites.

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. JavaScript
  4. Frame works such as Bootstrap, Angular, React and Vue.
  5. How to build a portfolio

A student is required to bring a passport photograph and two thousand naira for course registration.

A laptop is required (either Mac or PC) with a minimum operating system of 64 bit, 4GB RAM with a storage capacity of at least 350GB. We will walk you through installing the necessary software.

2 Months - ₦200,000


2 Months - ₦200,000


Morning : 10am – 1pm

Afternoon : 1pm – 3pm


Sat : 10am – 3pm


The Ultimate Guide For Beginners and PROS

Learn handling of server-side processes, such as storing and retrieving data from a database, handling business logic, and managing application resources.


Web development is the process of building, creating, and maintaining websites. Unlike front end, the back-end is the part of a website that is responsible for handling server-side processes, such as storing and retrieving data from a database, handling business logic, and managing application resources. It is the underlying infrastructure that powers the frontend, or the part of a website that users interact with through their web browsers.

Backend web development involves the development of server-side applications and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that enable the frontend of a website to function. It is typically done using server-side programming languages such as PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, or Node.js.

The backend of a website is responsible for managing the flow of data between the frontend and the database, and for processing requests made by users through the frontend. It may also be responsible for handling tasks such as authentication, authorization, and security.

  1. Introduction to backend web development:

We will make you understand the role of the backend in web development. You will learn about the different technologies and tools used in backend development, such as databases, web servers, and programming languages. We will also make you understand the principles of server-side programming and how to interact with databases

  1. HTML and CSS:

You will learn the basics of HTML and CSS, including how to structure and style web pages, understand the concept of responsive design and how to create websites that work across different devices and screen sizes.

  1. JavaScript:

You will learn the fundamentals of the JavaScript programming language, as well as understand how to use JavaScript to manipulate the DOM (Document Object Model) and create interactive web pages.

  1. Server-side programming:

We will explore and choose a server-side programming language to focus on (such as PHP, Python, or Ruby) and learn the basics of that language.

You will also understand how to use a web framework (such as Django or Rails) to build web applications, as well as, learn how to create and consume APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)

  1. Databases:

Here you will learn about different types of databases and how to interact with them using SQL. Then progress and understand how to design and implement a database schema for a web application.

  1. Security:

You will learn about common web security threats and how to mitigate them, then understand how to implement authentication and authorization in a web application

  1. Deployment and hosting:

We will guide you and teach you about different deployment and hosting options, such as cloud platforms like AWS or Google Cloud. Understand how to deploy and manage a web application in a production environment.

  1. Bonus Advanced topics:

We will explore more advanced topics in backend web development, such as performance optimization, scalability, and continuous integration/delivery.

  1. People who want to build your own startup
  2. People who want to create apps for other businesses
  3. People who own a business but cant afford to outsource development of their Apps.
  4. People facinated about mobile apps and want to have a deeper dive into it and know how it works.

A student is required to bring a passport photograph and two thousand naira for course registration.

A laptop is required (either Mac or PC) with a minimum operating system of 64 bit, 4GB RAM with a storage capacity of at least 350GB. We will walk you through installing the necessary software.

2 Months - ₦250,000


2 Months - ₦250,000


Morning : 10am – 1pm

Afternoon : 1pm – 3pm


Sat : 10am – 3pm


The Ultimate Guide For Beginners and PROS

Learn programming language that can be used for a wide range of purpose such as, building desktop applications, games, mobile applications and even virtual reality programs.


C# is a very popular programming language and it was developed by Microsoft. C# is a programming language that can be used for a wide range of purpose such as, building desktop applications, games, mobile applications and even virtual reality programs. A vast number of databases and even APIs make use of C#. The synthax is similar to that of C++ and Java. It is also an object oriented programming language. C# was built to be easy to use and easy to learn by beginners. It is a very versatile language that is used by many professionals.

  1. Getting Started
  2. Programming Fundamentals
  3. Conditional Tests and Operators
  4. Functions and Arguments
  5. Object Orientation
  6. Arrays and Strings
  7. Files, Folders and Input/Output
  8. Classes ,Methods, Structs and Enums
  9. Exception Handling and Debugging
  10. Further Adventures in Programming
  11. Project Building
  1. You will learn the basics of programming to provide a foundation for understanding how c# works.
  2. You will learn the synthax of C# and get to understand the building blocks of C# programs.
  3. You will learn about Object Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts and how they are used in C#. This will allow you create and use objects in C#.
  4. On getting the fundamentals, you will progress to learning how to work with files and data, how to use libraries and frameworks, how to debug and test your codes.
  5. Armed with these knowlege you will build your own programs.

6. We will guide you to build small programs and gradually work you up to more complex programs. This will help boost your competence in your skills.

This course is for you if you are:

  1. Intrested in building mobile applications, desktop applications, windows services, web services and web Apps, games, IoT applications, Cloud Applications and even AI Applications (ML.NET).
  2. Looking for a language that is simple and easy to learn as well as use.
  3. Looking for a language that is general purpose and allows you to do a lot with it.
  4. A beginner who has never coded before, you can learn C# step by step
  5. A Programmer switching to C# from some other language such as Ruby, Python, C or Java

A student is required to bring a passport photograph and two thousand naira for course registration.

A laptop is required (either Mac or PC) with a minimum operating system of 64 bit, 4GB RAM with a storage capacity of at least 350GB. We will walk you through installing the necessary software.

2 Months - ₦200,000


2 Months - ₦200,000


Morning : 10am – 1pm

Afternoon : 1pm – 3pm


Sat : 10am – 3pm


The Ultimate Guide For Beginners and PROS

Learn programming language that is commonly used to add interactivity and other dynamic features to websites.


JavaScript is a programming language that is commonly used to add interactivity and other dynamic features to websites. JavaScript is very key in web development, it allows for a more responsive and interactive user experience, as the web page can change and update in real-time without needing to reload the page. JavaScript is also used in game development, mobile app development, and server-side programming with technologies like Node.js. It is a versatile and widely-used language, and a fundamental skill for many web developers.

In these days when the browser is central to all computer use knowing “the language of the browser” is the most important step. JavaScript has become one of the most useful languages of this era. Every developer need at least a basic understanding of Javascript. A developer who knows Javascript is the rockstar of the company and is in constant demand by employers. Our Javascript course will get you started by teaching all the essentials aspects of coding in Javascript.

  • Javascript for Beginners
  • Hello Javascript
  • Storing Information in Variables
  • Conditional Statements
  • Dialog Boxes
  • Now we’re Iterating! Loops in Javascript
  • Coding Javascript Functions
  • Working with Arrays
  • The String Object
  • Obtaining and Manipulating User Informaton
  1. You will learn the basics of programming to provide the foundation, including concepts such as variables, data types, loops, and conditional statements.
  2. You will learn the synthax and core concepts of JavaScript.
  3. As you learn our instructors will guide you in writing and experimenting with codes to solidify your understanding. The goal is to build simple programs and mini projects.
  4. After you have a good handle on the basics of JavaScript, we will move on to more advanced topics such as working with the Document Object Model (DOM), using libraries and frameworks like jQuery and React, and working with data in the form of JSON and APIs.

5. You will work on a capstone project or real world task to apply your skills and demostrate mastery.

This course is for you if you are:

  1. Web Designers looking to improve their skill set
  2. Programmers who need to learn JavaScript for their web applications
  3. People looking to start programming and need a first programming language to learn
  4. Students who want to learn JavaScript
  5. People who manage a web site as a volunteer or as a hobby
  6. Bloggers– even if you use WordPress or another CMS!
  7. Anyone else who wants to learn JavaScript

A student is required to bring a passport photograph and two thousand naira for course registration.

A laptop is required (either Mac or PC) with a minimum operating system of 64 bit, 4GB RAM with a storage capacity of at least 350GB. We will walk you through installing the necessary software.

2 Months - ₦100,000


2 Months - ₦100,000


Morning : 10am – 1pm

Afternoon : 1pm – 3pm


Sat : 10am – 3pm


The Ultimate Guide For Beginners and PROS

This course will teach you React.js in a practice-oriented way, using all the latest patterns and best practices you need. You will learn all the key fundamentals as well as advanced concepts and related topics to turn you into a React.js developer.


React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is commonly used for building web applications, and has gained popularity due to its declarative approach to programming and its ability to manage complex state and data. React uses a virtual DOM (Document Object Model) to improve performance by minimizing the amount of DOM manipulation required, and allows for building reusable UI components that can be composed to create complex, dynamic user interfaces. React is often used in conjunction with other libraries such as Redux for managing application state, and is a popular choice for building large-scale applications.

This course will teach you React.js in a practice-oriented way, using all the latest patterns and best practices you need. You will learn all the key fundamentals as well as advanced concepts and related topics to turn you into a React.js developer.

  1. A thorough introduction to React.js (What is it and why would you use it?)
  2. All the core basics: How React works, building components with React & building UIs with React
  3. Components, props & dynamic data binding
  4. Working with user events and state to create interactive applications
  5. A (thorough) look behind the scenes to understand how React works under the hood
  6. Detailed explanations on how to work with lists and conditional content
  7. React Hooks (in-depth)!
  8. Working with built-in Hooks and building custom Hooks
  9. How to debug React apps
  10. Styling React apps with “Styled Components” and CSS Modules”
  11. Working with “Fragments” & “Portals”
  12. Dealing with side effects
  13. Class-based components and functional components
  14. sending Http requests & handling transitional states + responses
  15. Handling forms and user input (incl. validation)
  16. Redux & Redux Toolkit
  17. Routing with React Router
  18. An in-depth introduction into Next.js
  19. Deploying React Apps
  20. Implementing Authentication
  21. Unit Tests
  22. combining React with TypeScript
  23. Adding Animations
  24. Tons of examples and demo projects so that you can apply all the things you learned in real projects
  1. We will start by giving you a solid understanding of the basics of JavaScript, including concepts such as variables, data types, loops, and conditional statements. This is a prerequisite for learning React, as React is built on top of JavaScript.
  2. You will familiarize yourself with the concepts of React, such as components, props, and state.
  3. As you learn the basics of React, you will be writing and experimenting with code to solidify your understanding. We will also guide you in building simple React components or mini-projects to put your skills to the test.
  4. After you must have had a good handle on the basics of React, we will move on to more advanced topics such as working with the React Router for managing routes and navigation, using Redux for managing application state, and working with data in the form of JSON and APIs.
  5. We will give you a capstone project or real-world task to apply your skills and demonstrate your mastery of React to potential employers or clients.

> Students who wants to learn how to build reactive and fast web apps

> Anyone who’s interested in learning an extremely popular technology used by leading tech companies like Netflix

> Students who want to take their web development skills to the next level and learn a future-proof technology

A student is required to bring a passport photograph and two thousand naira for course registration.

A laptop is required (either Mac or PC) with a minimum operating system of 64 bit, 4GB RAM with a storage capacity of at least 350GB. We will walk you through installing the necessary software.

2 Months - ₦250,000


2 Months - ₦250,000


Morning : 10am – 1pm

Afternoon : 1pm – 4pm


Sat : 10am – 3pm


The Ultimate Guide For Beginners and PROS

Create software applications that are designed to run on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets.


Mobile app development refers to the process of creating software applications that are designed to run on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. These apps can be used to perform a wide range of tasks, such as booking a ride, ordering food, managing finances, and more.

  1. We will start by familiarising you with the basics of programming. It’s important to have a strong foundation in programming concepts before you start learning mobile app development
  2. We will introduce you to prograamming languages for mobile app development, such as Java or Swift.
  3. You will learn about mobile app development frameworks: Mobile app development frameworks provide pre-built components and tools that make it easier to build mobile apps. Some popular frameworks include Android Studio for Android app development and Xcode for iOS app development and flutter for both andriod and ios app development.
  4. You will learn about mobile app design principles: Effective mobile app design involves creating intuitive and visually appealing interfaces that are easy for users to navigate. You will learn about design principles such as layout, color theory, and typography to help you create effective mobile app designs.
  5. We will give you Apps to build to help you practice building mobile apps: The best way to learn mobile app development is to practice building apps. So as a result of this, we will start by building simple apps and gradually increase the complexity as you become more comfortable with the process.
  6. You will Learn about mobile app testing and deployment: After you’ve built your app, you’ll need to test it to ensure that it works correctly and is ready for deployment. You will learn about different testing strategies and techniques, as well as how to deploy your app to app stores such as Google Play and the App Store.
  1. Business opportunities: Mobile apps have become an essential part of many businesses, and developing a successful app can be a lucrative venture.
  2. Career opportunities: The demand for mobile app developers is high and is expected to continue to grow in the coming years.
  3. Personal expression: Mobile app development can be a creative outlet for individuals who have ideas for useful or entertaining apps.
  4. Convenience: Mobile apps can make it easier for people to access information and perform tasks on the go.
  5. Improved productivity: Mobile apps can help people be more organized and efficient in their personal and professional lives.

Overall, mobile app development is a dynamic and growing field with many opportunities for individuals and businesses alike.

  1. People who want to build your own startup
  2. People who want to create apps for other businesses
  3. People who own a business but cant afford to outsource development of their Apps.
  4. People facinated about mobile apps and want to have a deeper dive into it and know how it works.

A student is required to bring a passport photograph and two thousand naira for course registration.

A laptop is required (either Mac or PC) with a minimum operating system of 64 bit, 4GB RAM with a storage capacity of at least 350GB. We will walk you through installing the necessary software.

2 Months - ₦200,000


2 Months - ₦200,000


Morning : 10am – 1pm

Afternoon : 1pm – 4pm


Sat : 10am – 3pm

We teach, you learn, you impact